Productivity Report - modernize or continue to fall behind


Work smarter, not harder. That’s the message from the Productivity Commission’s latest productivity report. To be fair this is a familiar refrain with the following implication: failure to introduce advances in technology to the workplace is hurting New Zealand’s capacity to produce more with the same level of inputs, unlike other nations. Instead, we are throwing more inputs at the problem, typically labour, hoping this will sustain growth. Unsurprisingly we are not seeing results with costs outstripping production gains leading to higher prices and lower international competitiveness. To negate inflation, lower costs, increase margins and people’s income we need to produce and distribute more for the same or fewer inputs - technical advances make this possible. In the report you’ll see other countries achieving a fuller growth multiplier that comes from the higher incidence of technology and capital available to a worker. In manufacturing, DMO Solutions backed by Dassault Systemes can help move your business towards reaping the benefits of advances in manufacturing execution software and 3D CAD software. Contact us to find out about how DELMIAWorks MES software gets the best out of your shop floor and how SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD software moves your design process forward.

Read on to find out more.

James Gray